Petersen LaChance Regan Pino, LLC
P. O. Box 442
Hathorne, Massachusetts 01937
617.517.3819 (fax)
John Petersen, MAI, SRA
William LaChance, MAI, SRA
Richard Pino, MAI
John G. Petersen, MAI, SRA

John G. Petersen is a partner in the firm of Petersen LaChance Regan Pino, LLC.  Mr. Petersen is a member of the Appraisal Institute, having been awarded both the MAI and SRA designations. He personally has completed more than 3,000 appraisals and 5,000 appraisal reviews.

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The commercial real estate market in the United States is valued at $6.7 trillion, or 13% of the gross domestic product.  In many cases, decisions affecting the value of the properties that comprise the nation’s portfolio are being made solely by those who have a direct interest in these assets. A reliable, supportable answer to the question, “What is it worth?”, is key to the prudent management of all real property. History dating back to the Great Depression and every real estate cycle since then have confirmed the need for seasoned, objective professionals to be involved in this critical decision-making process.

The partners of Petersen LaChance Regan Pino, LLC, John G. Petersen, MAI, SRA, and William A. LaChance, MAI, SRA, have been actively involved in real estate appraisal and consulting services for the past 25 years. We have been advising financial institutions, corporations, government agencies, non-profits, private individuals and others regarding the value of real property investments for a broad range of purposes, including acquisition/disposition, financing, estate planning, charitable donations, asset management, tax appeals and litigation support.

Petersen LaChance Regan Pino, LLC has established a reputation for honesty, integrity, credibility and sound judgment in our valuation practice and in our dealings with clients. We invite you to put our 100+ years of combined experience to work for you.

William A. LaChance, MAI, SRA

William A. LaChance is a partner in the firm of Petersen LaChance Regan Pino, LLC.  Mr. LaChance has been providing real property appraisal and consulting services concerning a wide range of property types since the early 1980’s. With the benefit of experience that includes a decade of appraisal and consulting employment at two of Boston’s full-service real estate firms, Mr. LaChance continues to provide select clients with real property appraisal and consulting services at Petersen LaChance Regan Pino, LLC.

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Richard K. Pino

Richard K. Pino is a partner of Petersen LaChance Regan Pino, LLC.  Petersen LaChance Regan Pino, LLC, is a full service real estate firm specializing in appraisal, brokerage, consulting, and education services.  Mr. Pino contributes to all of the firm's areas of service, however, his primary focus is in appraisal, consulting and real estate education.

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